The Soundtrack to the Greatest Night of Your Life
We are Elite Sound Entertainment, NJ’s most preferred wedding DJ company since 2002. With over 2,00 combined 5 STAR reviews we are the #1 rated DJ company on The Knot & Wedding Wire. We feature an award-winning, unmatched DJ roster. Every weekend we create a unique, distinctive and ultimate wedding day experience.
We understand that planning a wedding can be a stressful process. At Elite Sound Entertainment, the planning is comfortable, fun and stress-free! Our comprehensive planning tools are available on-line 24/7 including our entire digital library and our speedy customer relations are second to none. With a full-time office located in Saddle Brook, NJ our staff is there for you during the entire process.
Elite Sound Entertainment offers affordable pricing that matches our quality of service in the Entertainment Industry. We take pride in our standards that supersede the expectations of thousands of couples year after year. We work with you closely and turn your vision into a reality making it a top priority for the biggest night of your life!
Our pricing is based on:
An established, well-respected company since 2003 with over 6,000 weddings (with no end in sight!)
Impeccable reputation with every wedding venue and vendor in the tri-state area
Over 2,000 5 STAR reviews on The Knot & Wedding Wire, standing out on top of all other respectful companies
$1,500 (non-peak dates) | $1,850 (peak dates)
An Elite Sound DJ gets assigned to your event within 3 months of your event
$1,850 (non-peak dates) | $2,150 (peak dates)
Reserve DJ Danny Gee, Raul C, DJ Joe P of your event (within 2 years)
$2,499 (non peak dates) | $2,999 (peak dates)
DJ Johnny Budz (Elite Sound founder/owner, remixer, producer, radio/night club legend)
NOTE – non-peak dates = Daytime events, Sun – Thur events, and all dates Jan – March, as well as smaller events less than 100 guests
Google Address |
194, 5th Street, Saddle Brook, Bergen County, New Jersey, 07663, United States |
Phone 1 |
(201) 843-8003 |
Website |
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